
tale of the slightly absentee blogger...

I'm not really sure if there are many people who check my blog all that often waiting for a new post, but recently I've had a few paradigm shifts that have slowed my blogging habit to a crawl.

It's hard to balance a bike if you're not moving. In fact it's easy to say "they lean too much left" and then they will say "they only say that because they lean too much right" and so the story goes. But the beautiful thing about a bike is that when you start moving, centripetal forces seem to help you balance in a seemingly effortless manner. To me, this balancing act of liberal/conservative, post-modern/modern, left/right, chocolate vanilla... I'm not going to say that it hasn't been fun, but it doesn't always get us further. It's not that I'm abandoning my ways of mind melding thinking binges that I've come to love and enjoy, but it's that I want to try and compensate for my natural tendencies to... well, think life to death.

So I guess maybe I've been a little short of "deep thoughts" (for lack of a better term) but I'll be back as soon as I find that natural state of balance on this
bike of life (lol, that made me laugh out loud). Hahaha...


Anonymous said...

Hmm...the bike of life..keeping balanced...I might actually steal that...

Rob Petkau said...

Pedal fast, wear a helmet, take jumps!
And wait up for meee... I'll get a bike!

jeremy postal said...

Forget the bike!
Go snowboarding.

AfterVerner said...

haha balance. Good stuff. Got the bike because you couldn't run? Hee hee.

Jaime said...

Balance is good......

so is chocolate..hmmmmm......

MC said...

I think somone stole my Bike.
( that's not a metaphor)
If you think vanilla is the best,
you are wrong.
Therefore I am right

Just jokin'

Rock on

Quigley said...

ya-ya... and I am crawlin on the blog bike as well! Tho.....I haven't been here much so perhaps that's a 1/2 excuse? Saw Napoelean Dynamite the other night again.. and I thought of you! =)


Delbert said...

ps sarah... are you allowed to steal it if i already stole it from someone else? hrmm... we'll look into it for you

Anonymous said...

why thanks! You're too kind....