
Radical Love

A woman who is renown in the area for being a sinful woman, probably a prostitute, finds Jesus at a Pharisees house for dinner. I don't think that this woman is planning on going in without being recognized... Everyone knows about her unscrupulous activities. But she doesn't let that tear her away from her passion.

Most people, when confronted with how they will express their worship and praises for God, sing some polite songs, maybe raise their hands, do some pretty dances. So this woman loves Jesus; she could just catch Jesus on his way out and say "Oh by the way, I really Love you." Jesus could just as easily nod his head and walk away saddened because he knows love is more than well meaning words. I can mouth the words, I can even make some actions to go along with it or play guitar to make it sound nice. Does that mean that's enough?

That wasn't enough for this sinful woman. She took an entire jar of perfume that was more than likely worth more than her life, and poured it out on Jesus' feet. Then she began to weep and used her tears to wash his feet, and when she needed something to wipe them off with, she used her hair. She had to throw everything that she had down for Jesus because there was no other way that she could express her love for her saviour. She even had to swallow her dirty reputation in front of the religious leaders to even be with Jesus. That's radical love, radical worship. How can I be satisfied with singing a pleasant song, or filling the status quo.

How can you express your radical worship to God? What does it look like? Close your eyes and imagine some of the ways that could possibly come close. Would you be standing? Kneeling? Dancing? Naked? What does it look like for you. Ask God to show you, maybe He'll show you.

1 comment:

calebkzylstra said...

RIGHT ON! Radical Love prompts a new song. Why are we so afraid of being different?