
Reality has a well known liberal bias

Sometimes I look back at how I was. Sometimes it seems like I did less "bad stuff" than I do now, or whatever you right wing politicians want to call it. But follow my meandering thought process as I consider a few things...

I saw a kid at the intersection of Saanich and Blanshard the other day, and he had a sign that showed a burger and fries.
I could have argued for days on how he could just as easily go and spend any money i give him on drugs or alcohol. Or maybe how he should just go get a job like everyone else. I would have never had a problem driving right on by him and would never have even felt a hint of empathy, but just the other day I found myself considering how I would be feeling if I had nothing. What if I was forced to such a desperate act of begging on the street and trusting on the generosity of others to fill my stomach.

And this is what I have come to consider...
I think I was plagued by a different sort of sin. A kind of sin that the world has taught me to so cleverly cover up. It was the sin of contempt of others. It was the sin of unforgiveness... and the list goes on. They were attitudes that I so deviously convinced myself were justified.

This day though, I was moved to consider how I would hope to be treated if I was in such deplorable state of poverty. I decided to show that I care about him more than the five dollar bill in my pocket. I didn't worry about what he was going to do with it. All I can be expected to do is show to him that I value him as a person and can empathize with his poverty. I can't extend him love with the conditions that he must go purchase a value meal at some fast food joint. We have been given love unconditionally and I should hope that I can give him that as well.

That was wordy and I admire you if you are still reading... but I felt like I really wanted to give an example of the sins that I was ignoring for so long. That's just an example though. And these sins I was brushing under the carpet seem just as plentiful (if not more) than these new ones that I am seeing. But you know what? I feel like I'm living in an arena of sin that I have a chance against. I am becoming more and more aware of my sins and the things that I want to change about myself. I am now convinced that being generous whenever possible is a better way to live. I am convinced that loving a person without any sort of agenda is a better way to love. I feel like when I sin now, I'm no longer fighting blindly but am making leaps and bounds and finding the person I've been created to be.

Does that make sense to anyone?


The Blowers Daughter

I think that the book I'm reading right now is dangerous to the health of my normal life. I jumped into "Through Painted Deserts" the other day while I was hanging around at the West Arm Grill for Cam's last day. I'm less than a third of the way through, and he hasn't really told me anything about anything, but I feel like things just make more sense now than they might have before.

So while I read this book, I'm more and more leaning towards this preference of mine to just live life and stop worrying about what is ok and what is not. Life is not about following rules, life is about living and rules were only meant to make it more comfortable. But the more I let life take me away, I start to see some parts of me that sometimes do things that I not a big fan of. But the interesting part is, I doesn't make me feel like a horrible person. It sort of makes me want to find that part of me I haven't surrendered yet, and give it over to God so that I can continue really and truly living.

Does anyone else ever feel like they've just been being the person they feel they're supposed to be and not the person they feel that they are? I'd hate to avoid the real me in some silly hopes that I will be able to avoid my real problems.