
Dropping like flies

I might have to stop posting whenever someone new starts a blog, but it's so much fun right now so you'll all have to put up with it! haha.

The new drew man on the block (aka, new youth pastor) has reluctantly succumb to the darkside of the internet known as the blogger net! From what I gather it'll be for youth/young adult info and discussion for the sidney variety out there. Represent over there if your a part of the sidney crew.


My sister joins the dark side!

I'd like to officially welcome my big sis Avaleigh to the blogger network and everyone should go and say hi cuz she's just that cool! (notice she's the only one who has earned an exclamation mark on my blogger net list ----------> )


Hey guys. I had a little bit of time out after quarter finals here, and went to Vancouver and such but now I'm back and I might just do a little bit of a rant on happenings to bring everyone back up to pace with the wonderfully exciting life of Delbert (hehe, I'm not full of myself... really I'm not!)

First of all, something very exciting happened recently. I am now officially the worship leader for Nanoose this summer! I have a funny feeling that I have very little scope of everything that this entails, but I am anticipating God blowing me out of the water in a few new ways. That's definitely something I've figured over the years is that if you don't let God take you somewhere you don't feel comfortable, growth is a very slow process. But let's take a moment to be completely honest...

I was at school, probably avoiding doing some real work, when Ira gave me a ring one fateful day. We talked, it was wonderful (how can talking with Ira not be wonderful?), and then he asked me if I wanted to lead worship at Nanoose! Hrmm, wouldn't I be ecstatic? For some reason I wasn't right away. My mind went straight to excuses why I wouldn't be able to make it... co-op commitments, warped tour, two cool kids moving to australia... I regret giving Ira such a negative vibe at all now in retrospect.

Maybe I'm afraid of letting people down? For a while I felt like since Adison and Lane moved to Australia, we just weren't the band that Ira was expecting anymore. Maybe we are, maybe we aren't... but that's sort of a mute point now though I think. Sure we won't be rockin the house the same way we did, but God let me in on a little secret; He wasn't surprised that Adison and Lane went to Australia, and He had this planned out for a long time now.


i know.. i know

Hey guys, I just wanna officially appologize for not blogging in ages. It's not like stuff isn't going on over here or anything. I'm just going crazy with school and final exams and such... so hopefully after my exams are done (march 24th is my last one) we shall let the blogging begin again!

Until then, check out some of the other blogs I have linked over there on the right ----->


Church defined

I'm constantly wondering what church was supposed to be, because I can't be convinced that "Church" as we know it is what God completely had intended. And in my journey, I came across a refreshing definition. The church is...

"[Christ's] body, the
fullness of him who fills everything in every way"

One of God's plans for his church is to fill everything in every way!? Ok, that seems pretty huge, let's scale that down right? He couldn't be serious... can the church do that? Hrmmm, God never really has been worried about what we're "capable of" has he, why would He start letting that worry him. So the burning question in me is what does that look like. Maybe sort of like the early church when they shared all they had caring for every need among them? Sounds like a very real physical interpretation. The worlds also full of spiritual brokenness, and we're here to fill that. But what does this look like for Sidney.

And the part that takes me away is "who". Who is being referred to? Jesus Christ? Possibly, and maybe even probably. What about the church? So maybe "who" isn't either Jesus or the Church, but both? I think we should take this very personally and really consider what needs filling on earth. Where can we pour His love out, how can we extend His grace? So I ask again for anyone who has any ideas, what does this look like for you? for us? for the church?

Let's re-boot Church

Eph 1 : 15-23