
Church defined

I'm constantly wondering what church was supposed to be, because I can't be convinced that "Church" as we know it is what God completely had intended. And in my journey, I came across a refreshing definition. The church is...

"[Christ's] body, the
fullness of him who fills everything in every way"

One of God's plans for his church is to fill everything in every way!? Ok, that seems pretty huge, let's scale that down right? He couldn't be serious... can the church do that? Hrmmm, God never really has been worried about what we're "capable of" has he, why would He start letting that worry him. So the burning question in me is what does that look like. Maybe sort of like the early church when they shared all they had caring for every need among them? Sounds like a very real physical interpretation. The worlds also full of spiritual brokenness, and we're here to fill that. But what does this look like for Sidney.

And the part that takes me away is "who". Who is being referred to? Jesus Christ? Possibly, and maybe even probably. What about the church? So maybe "who" isn't either Jesus or the Church, but both? I think we should take this very personally and really consider what needs filling on earth. Where can we pour His love out, how can we extend His grace? So I ask again for anyone who has any ideas, what does this look like for you? for us? for the church?

Let's re-boot Church

Eph 1 : 15-23


saint said...

Great thoughts, Graham - I am so plugged into the idea of radically changing what the "Church" looks like - this really resonates strongly with me. There seem to be so many hoops that human-kind has put in the way of The Church (your definition) and God, by way of "church" - so many human agendas, programs, control issues, etc that have nothing to do with what God is doing.

I'm all for re-booting!

AfterVerner said...

To be honest, I don't think I've really connected to church. Imean, I've attended, and been involved with youth and stuff, But the church was always that place for the older people, A place where I could attend but really didn't need to be involved; didn't really need to fit, so I didn't try. I forgot were I was going with this, but I agree. Let's change the views of what church is, and see if it conforms to what it should be more like.

Anonymous said...

I think when ever we're trapped in the mindset, " church as a building ", we have lost the incredible vision and imagination of what Jesus saw the church as.Re-booting is OK fro a quick fix...I think we need to look at the operating system myself...is it our design or God's. What do you think Bro'. Pax...Ron+

Delbert said...

It's sort of like when a computer is on for too long, and the ram is all full of spam and junk and viruses. The computer itself really isn't the problem, but so much junk has been attatched along the way that we can hardly see what it was supposed to be able to do anymore. Maybe the answer is start over, maybe the answer is to strip down church to what it used to be and start fresh. either way requires new beginnings, and not just little adjustments.

Delbert said...

how can you start to change before you know what to change? I'm doing a little bit of discovering that's all. i hope it didn't sound like "Let's church bash" because my intent was just to really meditate on what the word says the church is in ephesians.

Anonymous said...

Hey Graham!

I had a question...where di the name for your blog come from? And why velcro?

Delbert said...

I'm glad you asked! Well... umm, i dunno really. Sorta cuz this blog is for stuff that's on my heart, but only the stuff that i'm able to sorta take on and off without hurting myself. velcro seemed to fit the task i guess.

plus i thought it sounded neato haha.

Beautifully Mended said...

Hey Graham,

Just wanted to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog and am looking forward to meeting you. Keep up the questions, unfortunately questions always seem to lead to more questions...

Andrew Evans

Lauren said...

your blog keeps me deep