
Dropping like flies

I might have to stop posting whenever someone new starts a blog, but it's so much fun right now so you'll all have to put up with it! haha.

The new drew man on the block (aka, new youth pastor) has reluctantly succumb to the darkside of the internet known as the blogger net! From what I gather it'll be for youth/young adult info and discussion for the sidney variety out there. Represent over there if your a part of the sidney crew.


Lauren said...

Well well, congrats on becoming an hcore blog recruter. I missed like 3 of your posts, I felt so out of your life there. But now, pop, I'm back. Now I think you should create some sort of ring of coffee drinking bloggers, hm? Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

do...and die

Delbert said...

haha, i'm tempted to delete that post because it was so negative sarah!!! come on now.

I think that's a fabulous idea lauren! how would one begin this creating of a ring of coffee bloggers? do tell

Lauren said...

well see I'm pretty sure there's this thing on blogger, where you can make 'blog rings' and so I'm going to look into that more... join me on this search...

AfterVerner said...

Don't do it Graham. This can only weaken the dark side, and cause it's imminent demise! Then will you be eh? Responsible for the shattering of coffee drinkers lives. It's best just to forget it really. Go back to recruiting bloggers...

(That may or may not sound harsh, but I've heard rings are pretty strong, and we can't have a ring of coffee drinkers, now can we? oh no no no we cannot.)