
Less wrong, more right

I read this article a while ago and I laughed. It's funny how we can become so sure of something but time and time again, science "proves itself wrong". Well... not really wrong, just not as right. Anyways, it's an interesting read if you care about our current state of global warming.


AfterVerner said...

I'm still pretty sure that pirates was what kept the Earth in it's good temperature. And there must be an absolute right out there somewhere. Maybe it isn't in science. So if science only has increasingly better answers, but not right answers, is it really worth it? That's my thoughts.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey man,
Yah a lot like that science of wrong article i sent you about the curvature of the earth it was much the same I like how as we get more advanced really we just get more precise.

Delbert said...

hehehe, did you even read the whole blog you dork? haha. i linked the article you sent me about the curvature of the earth after i linked the first article. but yes, quite initsereng...

Anonymous said...

Ha ha yah i read it but comeon it was 4:30 in the morning and i missed the link...